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Mittwoch, 12 Oktober 2011 20:16


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Additional Info

  • Name: HDC-TM300EC-K
  • Code: TRF34299
  • Trademark: Panasonic
  • Price: 1.150,00€
  • Description: Panasonic's HDC-TM300K is a high definition flash memory camcorder that recently hit store shelves. It's aimed squarely at the advanced amateur with a host of manual controls, but it also has a few features to entice novices to dig into their wallets to pay
  • Features: The HDC-TM300K and HDC-TM300Y will record high definition 1920 x 1080 videos using the AVCHD compression method. Both camcorders will record to at a maximum bitrate of 24Mbps. The XR550V records primarily to a 240GB built-in hard disc drive, while the CX550V features 64GB of internal flash memory. Both models will ship this spring.
  • Color: Grey
Super User

Rachel is based near Berlin and is the Web Editor for Corporate 2. She is the founder of Corporate 2 and enjoys all things internet.

Website: www.gavick.com Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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